...all things pertaining to the warmth and coziness of home

Sunday 11 November 2012

Never Forget...November 11, 2012

Some things are good to forget and some things should never be forgotten. One of the things that should never be forgotten is the sacrifices made by those who fought for our freedoms. This is one thing that I learned from my father while growing up. He was in Holland as a teenager during WW2. They lived on a farm and so had more access to food. Thousands of Dutch died due to starvation the last winter before the end of the war. The Nazi's knew they were losing and did what they could to destroy people's lives. The Canadians libetated Holland on May 4, 1945 and that is one of their national holidays. Whenever Dad met a Canadian veteran he thanked them. I have done the same. There were many heroes during the war and many of them did not carry guns. There were many citizens who fought for the freedom of their neighbours and even sacrificed their lives. I just bought a book by Corrie Ten Boom whose family hid Jews in their home during the war. They were betrayed and sent to camps. Corrie's sister Betsy died in the Ravensbruk camp. Corrie struggled with forgiveness after the war. Then God called her to go to Germany. It was there while at a meeting that she recognized a guard at the camp that she was at.
"When I saw this man I remembered all the cruelties he had committed, and I felt bitterness in my heart. But then I felt a wave of love pass through me. That was love through the Holy Spirit.
This man told me: "At Christmas I found the Lord Jesus. I took all my sins to Him. Then I asked for the grace to ask one of my victims for forgiveness. That is the reason I come to you. Will you forgive me all those cruelties? I could take this man's hand. If we forgive our enemies, we experience the ocean of God's love as never before. (Taken from the book, Not I, But Christ by Corrie Ten Boom)

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